Serve others and you are serving a purpose.

Rather than filling your inner world with  criticism, skepticism, doubt, anguish, or pain, understand that you always have a choice. All your thoughts are things that you control.

The ego says, “You must be concerned with everything.” The higher self says, “If you surrender, serve, go with the flow, have an overriding spiritual objective, and know that you are here for a purpose, there will not be time for what offends you.”

The highest form of ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.

If other people try to control you, first you react with only love toward them. Then, if that doesn’t work, you unobtrusively move on.

Your whole past and your whole future are all thought.

The highest form of intelligence that you can get to is when you’re able to have two contradicting concepts present in you at the same time. It is perfectly legitimate within the context of this perfect universe to think that everything is hopeless and yet to have hope at the same time.

The test of authenticity is whether you need more of something in order to keep feeling free.

You do not define anybody with your judgements; you only define yourself.

Everything that is physical is finite, whereas everything that is beyond the physical is infinite.

The very basis of what it is that constitutes the ability to banish doubt is learning how to shift your beliefs into knowings.

Faith is a knowing, and it isn’t about what other people have handed you and told you to worship or practice.

Faith is a decision you make internally.

The very mechanics of creation state that whatever we keep our attention and focus on will manifest.

You’ll come to see that you are not those troubles; you are that which is aware of them.

When you can witness and not identify with all aspects of your life, your higher awareness will allow things that once seemed very difficult to become almost meaningless to you.

God’s one and only voice is silent, so the greatest tribute you can give yourself is the space to hear it.

Begin to view yourself as a member of the human family.

Purpose concerns unity; it has nothing to do with separateness or other shallow pursuits of the ego.

The less self-absorbed you are, the more freedom you have.

The higher self is the real self; the ego is the shadow.

Conflict is a violation of harmony.

Judgement is the mark of the ego, and you must work to get it out of you completely.

There is no room for judgement who is truly awake and aware

Every person I encounter has something to teach me.

I consider my own life, as I live it every day, to be a work in progress.

The state of the world is really only a reflection of our own state of mind.

World peace comes about through inner peace within each individual.

When you improve your own life first, all you’ll have to give is quality of life. If you do that, and you’re giving away quality in every interaction that you have, you will be the kind of person whom other people want to be around.

The less you need, the more you’ll get.

Surrender and become unattached to how things turn out, even though this can be very difficult.

You are always weaker after you fight, always.

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

Quieting your mind means that you’re no longer susceptible to all of the external influences that are around you.

Enlightenment is nothing more than the quiet acceptance of what is.

You understand in your heart that everything that comes your way is a blessing.

When you begin to realize yourself- when you discover your magnificent potential – you see that everything that’s coming at you has an opportunity in it.

Learning by hindsight

Suffering is always played out in form because it comes from your thoughts.

You do not need to feel threatened by the differences in other people.

The minute a negative person starts getting to you, what you’ve really done is given up control of your life to them.

Enlightenment is the ego’s greatest disappointment.

Not being attached to the outcome is really your higher self at work.

When you allow the higher part of yourself to focus on what’s right with the world instead of what’s wrong, you become more productive.

Questions to ask: What do I want to expand in my life? Can I learn to witness my life rather than identify with it?

How a parent-figure treated you as a child is not a reflection of who you are. Or even who they are. You do not need to be a reflection of their unprocessed trauma.

The first step to healing is awareness.

Unresolved trauma, coupled with poor coping strategies, affects the body physiologically. Stress alters your reality.

Our energies and states are transferable.

When trauma is not properly addressed it is left to drive our narratives and shape our autonomic responses.

Our body and mind seek the familiar, even if it is painful, and many of us are left ultimately feeling ashamed about and confused by our behaviour.

Spiritually, our individual souls have three basic needs: 1) to be seen 2) to be heard 3) to uniquely express our most authentic selves

Our relationship with our primary parent-figures is the foundation of the dynamics of all the relationships we have un adulthood.

When our opinions are questioned, the ego believes that our core self is being threatened.

When our ego is activated, everything is personal. Everything that happens to you, it assumes, happens because of you.

The ego, in an attempt to make sure you’re never hurt again, puts up barriers – because in every opportunity for positive change, there is also the chance of the pain of failure.

If what you believe is who you are, there is no space for conversation or contemplation. There is no space for expansion or adaptability.

The more we deny parts of our shadow self, the more shame we feel and the more disconnected we become from our intuition. This shame and disconnect are projected onto others.

One can only be as connected to others as they are to themselves.

Early infant/childhood attachment provides the basis for romantic relationships in adulthood.

We enter into a traumatic bond when we seek comfort from the source of our trauma.

A healthy relationship provides space for mutual evolution.

Awakenings show us that who we think we are isn’t necessarily who we are.

*An awakening is a rebirth of the self that involves tearing down parts of who you were when you lived in an unconscious, autopilot state of existence.

You have to see yourself to love yourself – and you have to love yourself in order to give yourself what you weren’t able to get from others.

The act of loving discipline cultivates routine with compassion and flexibility.

Healing takes daily commitment and has to be chosen.

The fundamental aspect of emotional maturity is the ability to be aware of and regulate our emotions in order to allow others to express themselves.

The challenge for so many of us is to honor the emotion that comes up in our body. It is often helpful to witness the stories that play out in our mind: note that they’re happening, be present, and try not to judge.

Emotional maturity is about combining softness and toughness when necessary.

Connection is inherent in the human condition, without it, we cannot survive.

To experience authentic relationships, you need to work on being one with your own authenticity.

Once you do the work of healing the body, mind and soul and regain the ability to connect with the greater universe, transcendence in its multitude of forms becomes accessible to you.

*As you heal yourself, you heal the world around you.

The essence of a witch is someone who trusts their inner authority and uses their own personal magic to navigate and negotiate the environment they currently find themselves in.

Our way of being as women has been persecuted for millennia. The word ‘witch’ has been vilified and slung around as an insult. So it’s no wonder that we, as women, hold back our power, hush our voices and stay small because we’ve been told that being powerful is unsafe.

You can never claim back your power by being less of yourself, or by squeezing yourself tight enough to fit inside the narrow box market ‘100% approved’.

We absolutely need to embrace, rather than reject, the idea of power in order to claim our fullness and our true expression in the world as women.

Fear is the most powerful torture of all.

Speak your truth (even if your voice shakes). Our deepest wounds, our fears, are what we need to teach and share the most.

You’re being asked to trust yourself and your voice. To trust your body and your knowing. To speak up for what you believe in, and to be a megaphone for those who are oppressed and who don’t have a voice.

Women standing together and encouraging each other by having conscious, brave and real conversations with each other. By calling each other in, and not calling each other out. By helping each other put back the pieces, to become whole and feel fully supported without being judged or shamed in that wholeness.

She is intimately familiar with her shadows because she knows that the only way that we, as women, will ever be fully whole is by acknowledging the dark. We need to acknowledge our own darkness, without being afraid of it.

A spell is simply a prayer in action. It’s an active way of manifesting.

This is about building a relationship of total love, appreciation and trust with yourself, your body and your psyche.

Rewilding is reclaiming and returning to your wild, feminine nature. It’s returning to:

…who you were before all of the labels and conditions were put on you like constrictive metal shakles.

…who you were when you didn’t ignore your anger, passion and true feelings.

…who you were when you allowed those things to be fully felt and expressed in and through your body.

…who you were when you surrender to the full experience of being a woman.

Rewilding invites you to see truth in the dark. What you see underneath it all, underneath the labels and the bullshit stories, it’s ALL LOVE.

When you acknowledge, trust and find ways to feel good about being in your body, you no longer try to escape it or resist its teachings.

Don’t hold back, push down or suppress ANYTHING. Feel – and express – it all.

You can’t be brave unless you are scared first.

No one else can be you. This is your power!

Excuses are BS stories we tell ourselves.

No mistakes, only gifts.

Every time you chose courage over comfort, you are changing the world.

Fear can’t stand with faith. Faith is far too strong.

You are being mindful every time you become aware of where your attention is.

You must carve out enough time to do the things that will advance you personally and professionally.

When you invest in yourself, and your future self, you take the control away from fear and step into your power by building confidence and clarity around who you are and what you are capable of.

Whatever you focus on expands.

You are a human being, not a human doing.

Fear hates plans because plans mean action and action means change; yet what stops us is the fact that change feels scary. The antidote: having a focused yet strategic roadmap. Which means keeping your eye on the big picture of tomorrow while taking action on what matters today.

Even a tiny ripple in the water is still motion. Staying in forward momentum and inviting yourself to the party, rather than waiting for an invitation.

Figuring out how to put yourself out there in a way that builds trust, provides value, and makes you look like a badass is a huge part of being the CEO of you.

Be brave enough to live an authentic life.

Actively seek our opportunities to meet new people, having the courage to put yourself into an unfamiliar situation.

No one is ever ready. You must start BEFORE you are ready.

Scary things will never get less scary, but you will get stronger.

Go from worried, to warrior!

Misery is a side effect of a fear-based life. Success is a side effect of courage.

Truth is being exactly who you are and not apologizing for it.

Simply put, intuition is your ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning.

If you access your intuition, then you can use it to illuminate your life path. You can know yourself more intimately and see others clearly. Connecting with your Trusted Source and accessing your higher guidance increases self-confidence, reduces doubt, and helps you release limiting beliefs. Being intuitive is empowering. You know what you want and can reclaim your energy and use it for you.

Developing your intuition trains you to be in charge of your body. You learn to calm emotions and quiet your mind.

If you suffer from mental anguish or depression, you can alleviate it as you will know how to release its causes. You will appreciate the difference between your intellect, ego, and intuition. Doubt and confusion will go. Abundance and self-confidence will increase.

Intuition increases body awareness.

Self-awareness and self-healing are the foundation of spiritual growth. If you develop your understanding of your energy system, you can see yourself and heal yourself. Then you can be in a position to give to others if you wish.

The first step in spiritual evolution is self-knowledge. You are an infinite being of ever-expanding wisdom and creative expression.

If you unlock the gifts of your intuition blueprint, you can chart your direction, steer your course effectively, champion your growth, and live according to your purpose.

You have several life purposes: enlightenment, your unique contribution, and the eternal pursuit of expansion.

You are simply not your physical body, you are spirit. In fact, you are a multidimensional eternal being of love and light. Your body is a vehicle you created to have focused experiences in physical reality, which are meant to expand your consciousness.

If you believe there is a way to make your life just right, think again; there is no right and wrong. Instead, there is you in the eternal moment of now, making choices and experiencing results. All experiences are equally valid and fuel your expansion.

The Law of Personal Responsibility and Empowerment; if you create your reality, then you are responsible for your creations.

Please don’t die with your gifts still inside.

Live a life that is true to yourself, not the life others expect of you.

Wonder knows what we’re capable of, and is committed to nudging us closer and closer to who we were before the world told us who to be. Wonder supports us in deciphering between the disempowering stories we inherited and made up, and the stories that strike the chord of resonance from within.

Is what you want to say a reflection of your truth?

Worry and Wonder are perpetually pointing us away from or toward who we truly are and what we’re here to give.

When the experience of worry isn’t bringing us closer to who we are and the gifts we’re here to give – it’s noise.

At the core of our comparison, our numbing, our perfectionism, our paralysis, and our shame lies the myth of “not enough”. It’s the result of years of internal conditioning and deeply ingrained familial, cultural, societal, and religious beliefs.

If you see every challenge as a gift in disguise, I promise you this: Your experiences will reveal to you the strength of your character, the extent of your courage, and the resilience of your spirit.

Fear is not an enemy working against me, or a force I need to go to war with and try to overcome.

Getting curious rather than defensive.

 What trusting yourself means is living out what you already know to be true.

The very moment when we think we’re not ready is precisely the moment that we are.

I stopped measuring my success by likes and page views, and learned to instead measure it by inner truths expressed. It became less about receiving validation and applause, and more about uncovering whatever in me was ready to come through.

Shine your damn light, and let what you create radiate from the inside out.

The only person you can measure yourself against is yourself. No two people have the same background, circumstances, desires, values, and gifts. When you’re caught up in what they’re doing and how far they’ve come, you’re losing sight of what your focus and attention: your own right and true path.

If it’s not an act of love, is it worth it?

If you can’t do it wholeheartedly, do you want to do it at all?

Invent and become whoever you want to be. Let the hours and days of your lifetime be one act of love after the next.