
Stillness Speaks

“The only thing standing between you and what you are is a thought or a feeling.”

The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne

How often have you found yourself lost in thought? Your mind incessantly racing from one thought to the next. Each leading into the other, creating a vortex of thinking. The other question being, how often does this happen and are you aware or unaware of its existence? It’s tricky to estimate the amount of times you are unaware or unconscious of these episodes. The realization comes forth when you place awareness on these moments. You catch yourself having thought after thought; to then realize these thoughts can be contributing to emotions like stress or overwhelm. Awareness is key. This is how I began tracking how distracting reels of thought can be and how it was adversely affecting my overall mood. 

The mind loves to wander. It’s like, really good at it. It is up to you, the individual, to rein in the direction and intention of your attention. This, like anything, comes with practice. Notice when you are having these episodes of thought storm. Try redirecting your focus, perhaps on your breath or towards your body. I like to ask, how do I know my feet or hands are there without looking at them? Feeling into a specific body part with heightened sensation. Deep belly breaths also work well. Focus on the breath moving into your lungs, expanding your chest and belly, then moving out, relaxing your diaphragm. These may seem like simple exercises, but over time it will train you to break the cycle of thought and move into your body, relaxing your nervous system. 

Thought also takes away from the present moment. There are many golden micro moments that can be brought to light with stillness of the mind. Using all of your senses to bring attention to what is around you. I have found that simplicity can bring so much joy, you just need to direct your attention towards it. Rather than getting lost in negative thinking patterns that distract you from what is right there in front of you. This becomes habitual one practiced regularly. Do not strive for perfection here. For each moment you recognize your mind racing, slow it down and redirect your focus, allowing yourself the beautiful simplicities of life. We are all worthy and deserving of this.

About Author

~ Perfectly, Imperfect ~