There has been a flame rising deep within for some time now… Just like water boiling, it seems to never get there, until the bubbles form and the heat is activated, steam rising upward… Ideas and visceral intelligence been brewing inside the inner cauldron… Magic has a funny way of appearing. Just when you think …
A Glimpse into Awakening
The past year has brought immense healing and growth. Some of the hardest moments of life, in turn, allowed for discovery of new depths of being. Although difficult and not straight forward, this has been necessary soul work. I say soul work because there is no clearer way to describe the path of self development …
What Could Have Been
Gabriella, Today marks one year from the day you transitioned into the realm of spirit. Your short physical existence consisted of living and growing in my uterus until you were 5 months grown. You were growing with company in there. A very large uterine fibroid was also taking up a large amount of space. Unfortunately, …
Stillness Speaks
“The only thing standing between you and what you are is a thought or a feeling.” The Greatest Secret by Rhonda Byrne How often have you found yourself lost in thought? Your mind incessantly racing from one thought to the next. Each leading into the other, creating a vortex of thinking. The other question being, …